
Linux Notes


pacman -S -> for install related things, search in repos, etc.
pacman -R -> to remove
pacman -Q -> to query installed ones

To query which package (from the repos, provides a file)

pacman -Fy filename
pacman -Fy libsane.so
pacman -F dig

(y is for syncing, so once you have done that, you may skip that if you are running the command instantly later).

pacman -Syu -> sync and update the system
pacman -S bind -> install package `bind` but do this only after once you have synced and updated recently
pacman -Ss zathura -> search for `zathura` package, this will show all the packages having zathura in their name or description
pacman -Rs telegram-desktop -> remove `telegram-desktop` package along with its dependencies.
pacman -R zathura-pdf-poppler -> remove this package, leaving behind any dependencies that it might have.
pacman -Rns telegram-desktop -> remove this package, along with the conf files and dependencies.
pacman -Q -> lists all the packages installed on the system
pacman -Qe -> lists all the packages installed by you (or installed as a dep of a program that you installed)
pacman -Qdt -> lists the packages that are kinda orphaned, they were installed as a dep by another program but the another program no longer exists and so they are not needed by any other program and so they can be removed.
pacman -Q | wc -l -> wew, counts the number of packages, lol

Configure the following options in /etc/pacman.conf -

Color -> for having colored output in pacman results

ILoveCandy -> for having pacman icon instead of hash-sign on progress-bar in pacman results.

which package provides a missing file?

vncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypt.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This most probably means that some package which provides this missing lib file is currently not installed.

$ pkgfile -s libcrypt.so                                                 

Now, we can install any of these packages (example: sudo pacman -S libxcrypt)

tweaks and utilities

sudo pacman -Syu pandoc texlive-core texlive-fontsextra texlive-latexextra

pandoc file.md -o file.pdf

change default shell

List all the available shells -

$ chsh -l


If the shell is not present here, example, /usr/local/fish, then you should first add it to this list -

echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells

Example to change to fish shell -

$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

changing shell for devpogi.
Shell changed.

You might need to logout and login again for the changes to take place.


dig @root-server-ip www.facebook.com

root servers ip


curl cheat.sh/<query>
curl cheat.sh/pacman
curl cheat.sh/git-status

samsung monitor M5 not detected feat. nvidia graphics

Now, the monitor should be recognized. This method works as an alternative to “disabling secure boot from bios” method. stackoverflow, mokutil

Also, enable prime profile from nvidia settings -

sudo prime-select nvidia