
Enable vaapi settings for brave browser

Inspect element -> Media after enabling vaapi settings



--use-gl=desktop --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder

Use these command line arguments when launching brave browser.

Better, replace the .desktop entry for brave browser in /usr/share/applications/ with this in the appropriate places (Make sure to remove the trailing %U option in the Exec line which is present by default in the .desktop file).

Exec=/usr/bin/brave-browser-stable --use-gl=desktop --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder

Enable these in brave://flags brave://flags

Install this extension enhanced-h264ify

This is weird, idk why - (i think this is not required)

On ubuntu -

wget https://launchpad.net/\~saiarcot895/+archive/ubuntu/chromium-dev/+files/vdpau-va-driver_0.7.4-7ubuntu1\~ppa2\~20.04.1_amd64.deb -O vdpau.deb


sudo dpkg -i vdpau.deb

Extras -

Install these extensions -

Install these also on other browsers -